Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Location, Location, Location!

Location, Location, Location!
The location of the wedding will be the Southwind Plantation. It's this
beautiful barn-like structure with a huge surrounding "yard" if you will.
Many wedding parties have had their wedding right outside the barn,
then the reception inside the barn. This seems like a good idea to me.
Here are some pictures:

My only concern about having an outside wedding is the rain of course! I would be mortified and
absolutely destraught if it rained on my wedding day!
Any comments? Advice?
Have any of you ever had your wedding rained on?

As always, all my wedding posts can be found here:
Wedding Planning

My Goals

I've just started this blog, and I'm still getting things together and trying to get the word out and promote. For you few readers that I have so far, I thought I'd share with you my goals for this blog. I have many, probably far TOO many, but that's who I am. 

1. Ranting - Every woman needs to rant. Let's face it - we do. And though I may not have a rant to post every single day, I'm sure something I see in Walmart or on the news will emerge. 

2. Zentangles - I love these, and every time I make a new one I will post a picture of it. Also, I have set it up to where you guys can order a custom made one from me, so check it out!

3. Recipes - Well, what woman doesn't love food? I want to share some of my favorite recipes with you guys and give you the easiest ways to prep possible.

4. Crafts - I have a lot of time on my hands and I enjoy crafts. I plan to post tutorials/DIYs for you guys.

5. Wedding planning - Yes I am getting married in one year, and I want to share my wedding planning ideas with you guys and get some feedback.

6. Whatever you guys want to hear! Leave me feedback, please!

My First Recipe - Chicken Ranch Pasta

Chicken Ranch Pasta
First of all, is anyone else as excited about summer as I am? Granted, living in the South during the summer is NOT the best -
BUT I always have more time to cook!
This recipe is a favorite of mine and my family's, and we cook it often. If you're like me, you think
bacon sprinkled on top of anything is yummy!

2 cups cooked chopped chicken
1/3 cup cooked chopped bacon
2 cups milk
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or your favorite cheese)
2 Tbsp dry ranch dressing seasoning mix (We LOVE Hidden Valley)
1 Tbsp flour
1 Tbsp butter
8 ounces penne pasta 

It's a lot easier to cook the pasta first, as you will need it. Boil the pasta noodles accordingly (it usually takes me about
20 minutes) then drain and set to the side.
In the same or a new pot, melt your tablespoon of butter, then add the flour, stirring together. Do this for about 1 minute.
Slowly add in your milk, and stir until your sauce thickens (3-4 minutes).
Now add your ranch dressing powder and your cheese (ANY cheese tastes great in this!)
Stir until ALL the cheese is melted.
Now add your chicken and stir. Mix with pasta and sprinkle bacon on top - YUM!

If you do not want to buy chopped up chicken that you have to cook yourself,
buy an already cooked Rotisserie chicken, and just tear off shreds of chicken and add it
to your pasta. We have done it this way before and you can't tell any difference,
and the chicken has more flavoring!


As always, all recipes can be found here:




Okay - I need blog followers. I realize I've only had my blog for a few days, BUT I've had nearly 200 views and not one follower! I promise I'm not boring yall! 

I plan to do craft DIYs, tutorials, my daydreams, my zentangles, and of course whatever else comes to mind. So what do you guys want to read about? What does a blog audience enjoy reading about? 

Please, HELP!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Many Talents...

I also do web work here and there! It's something that I thoroughly enjoy and am pretty good at. Here are some links to some pages I've done for online gaming tournaments:

I can do complete web pages or just web graphics. I'll take any requests. However, please don't ask me for a website that you need done the next day! I will need several days to complete it because I am somewhat of a perfectionist. And I do NOT charge for these. I just ask for patience. This is something I enjoy doing and enjoy sharing my work! If you have any requests or questions or want to know about any of the programs I use, just shoot me an email, located on my Contact Me page.

Monday, June 10, 2013

This Week's Favs

Ice - I'm supposed to be drinking plenty of water, so ice should be safe, right? Wrong. Eating too much ice
during pregnancy causes anemia. BUT I can't seem to stop.

Strawberries - Thank goodness for this one healthy thing on my list and NOT chocolate
dipped might I add!

Tutus - If I have a baby girl, she will have one in every color. 
If I have a boy, well, he may be persuaded to be gay (kidding).

Yoga Pants - Super comfy and NO buttons! About the only thing I can fit into right now.

Maroon 5 - Who doesn't love Adam Levine? I would let him sing me to sleep every single night (among other things).

Dawson's Creek - Yes, I am reliving my tween years by watching the wanna be
soap opera on DVD. What can I say?

The Voice - I am in love with this reality singing show from NBC. It's non judgmental and easy to watch.

McDonald's French Fries - So UNhealthy, but I have to indulge every now and then, right?

Mint Chocolate Chip - Not just ice cream, but everything MCC flavored, cupcakes, cake,brownies, probably even something weird like popcorn. 

14 Weeks Pregnant!

How far along? 14 weeks!
How big is baby? The size of a lemon.
Total weight gain: 3 whole pounds!
Maternity clothes? Not quite... lots of stretchy pants.
Sleep? Awful. I HATE sleeping on my side!
Best moment of the week? My Granny died last Sunday. The best part of the week was spending time with my family. 
Food cravings? Ice and McDonald's French Fries
Food aversions? Eggs! Ick!
Symptoms? I'm not having any! Lucky lucky lucky!
Movement? Well, I can't tell if it's the baby or if it's gas. Sad, but true.
Gender? I feel like it's a girl, everyone else thinks it's a boy. We'll find out next week!
What I'm looking forward to? Being able to tell the difference between the baby kicking and gas! 
What I miss? Sleeping good at night.
Next appointment? June 21st!