Monday, June 10, 2013

14 Weeks Pregnant!

How far along? 14 weeks!
How big is baby? The size of a lemon.
Total weight gain: 3 whole pounds!
Maternity clothes? Not quite... lots of stretchy pants.
Sleep? Awful. I HATE sleeping on my side!
Best moment of the week? My Granny died last Sunday. The best part of the week was spending time with my family. 
Food cravings? Ice and McDonald's French Fries
Food aversions? Eggs! Ick!
Symptoms? I'm not having any! Lucky lucky lucky!
Movement? Well, I can't tell if it's the baby or if it's gas. Sad, but true.
Gender? I feel like it's a girl, everyone else thinks it's a boy. We'll find out next week!
What I'm looking forward to? Being able to tell the difference between the baby kicking and gas! 
What I miss? Sleeping good at night.
Next appointment? June 21st!

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