Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Goals

I've just started this blog, and I'm still getting things together and trying to get the word out and promote. For you few readers that I have so far, I thought I'd share with you my goals for this blog. I have many, probably far TOO many, but that's who I am. 

1. Ranting - Every woman needs to rant. Let's face it - we do. And though I may not have a rant to post every single day, I'm sure something I see in Walmart or on the news will emerge. 

2. Zentangles - I love these, and every time I make a new one I will post a picture of it. Also, I have set it up to where you guys can order a custom made one from me, so check it out!

3. Recipes - Well, what woman doesn't love food? I want to share some of my favorite recipes with you guys and give you the easiest ways to prep possible.

4. Crafts - I have a lot of time on my hands and I enjoy crafts. I plan to post tutorials/DIYs for you guys.

5. Wedding planning - Yes I am getting married in one year, and I want to share my wedding planning ideas with you guys and get some feedback.

6. Whatever you guys want to hear! Leave me feedback, please!

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